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DALL·E 2024-06-01 01.47.02 - A close-up image showing a person's foot dorsum with only one


This project designs a playable and tangible fit-con joint of swith attachment for people to get a better rehabilitation experience.When the recovery period is about to fully recover, I am bored and irritated, and can't wait to devote myself to normal life. The combination of game console + rehabilitation function makes the end of the rehabilitation period no longer boring. In a new type of game, rehabilitation is carried out in the game. The original switch key corresponds to different rehabilitation actions to achieve achievements and unlock games. It is maily for encouraging a good rehabilitation time.

UI Design
Personal Project
UX Design
Product Design
Video making
Interaction Design


Because of the imperfection of the domestic rehabilitation mechanism and a series of reasons, many people can not get good rehabilitation training, thus missing the best recovery period, resulting in poor rehabilitation results. So by designing a wheelchair to solve the recovery of patients with leg injuries.

Long cycle time

Rehabilitation training can take months,or longer depending on the different situation.

Backwardness of ideas

People have cognitive problems and have not yet formed the awareness that rehabilitation training is needed.Many people mistake failure recovery for the sequelae of the disease.

High cost

Rehabilitation training needs 10,000 to 20,000 RMB per month,many Chinese families cannot afford it.

A shortage of therapists

At present, Chinese rehabilitation industry is still in its infancy, characterized by small scale.There are only a few authoritative rehabilitation hospitals in China, only in Shanghai and Beijing.

Formal rehabilitation process

Level 3 rehabilitation hospital 

(emergency treatment)

Second-level rehabilitation center

(special rehabilitation hospital)

Community rehabilitation

User Research

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​User Journey Map

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Routine rehabilitation training makes me feel bored and boring. Lying for a long time makes me autistic and unhappy.


Imperfection of the domestic rehabilitation mechanism resulting in poor rehabilitationIgnorance of this stage in the later stage of rehabilitation can cause other problems.


Different users will encounter psychological pressure from their own psychology and the external environment in the later process of recovery from injury.


Let people pay attention to the later stage of rehabilitation and solve the problems that are easy to exist in the later stage of rehabilitation, both physically and psychologically.


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Service Feature

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APP Wireframe

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Low- Fidelity App Prototype

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High- Fidelity App Prototype

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In this project, my design thinking ability has significantly improved. I have become more focused on logic and practical application, enabling me to solve problems more systematically. During the final phase of the app development, I realized there are still many areas for improvement in future, which has motivated me to keep refining my work. I also discovered the importance of user feedback and iterative design, for example, in the aesthetics of the UI and the refined division of functions. By continuously testing and incorporating user input, I can ensure the app meets the users' needs more effectively. 

Rehabilitation exercise is often overlooked, but it significantly impacts many people's health and quality of life. Through this project, I have the opportunity to improve the rehabilitation exercise experience through design, based on my past experiences. I have learned how to better integrate user needs with technical solutions to ensure that the design truly benefits the users.

Additionally, repeatedly thinking and testing different solutions has helped me understand how to approach problems from multiple perspectives and find the optimal solution. This comprehensive design thinking has made me more confident in tackling complex issues.

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