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Design is not just about meeting needs, it's about creating possibilities.

I am a designer skilled at identifying and understanding people's potential needs, as well as guiding and shaping these needs to create solutions that make life richer and more convenient. I strive for continuous exploration and innovation, using my professional skills and creative thinking to help people discover needs they were previously unaware of, while also committed to bringing more possibilities and change.



UI / UX / Service design

A series of rescue service systems designed according to SLS's requirements aims to enhance the safety of young male surfers.

​UI / UX design

By examining people's acne issues, we explore the essence of an unhealthy lifestyle. People are aware of it but feel powerless to change. It's time to change this way of living!

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VR design

Envisioning the future of VR classrooms, utilizing VR to immerse students in a cosmic environment for exploration.

UI / UX Design

a playable and tangible fit-con joint of swith attachment for people to get a better rehabilitation experience.

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